MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COUNSELING AND FAMILY THERAPY (MSCCFT) is organized by IGNOU to give understanding of counselling and family therapy to learners. The objective behind developing this course is to serve for social and employment purpose. IGNOU provides minimum two years and maximum five years’ time duration to complete the MSCCFT degree. MSCCFT course also includes project work which requires to be done to complete the course. There is specific guideline for making project work specified by IGNOU.
Introduction of MCFTP 2, Project Work in Master Of Science In Counseling And Family Therapy (MSCCFT) Program.
MCFTP 2 project work is required to be done to complete the MSCCFT course. To make MCFTP 2 project first you need to make synopsis/project proposal and seek approval for your project work. Once you get the approval on your synopsis you can go ahead for your project work and submit it to IGNOU.
What is Synopsis/Project Proposal of IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT in MSCCFT course offered by IGNOU?
Project proposal of IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT is a description of what you are going to include in your study. In other words it gives a brief idea of objectives and methodology to be used for project work.
How to make MCFTP 2 Project Report?
Once you have your project proposal ready, the next step is to prepare a detailed plan of what you propose to do.
It would be of great benefit to first collect the following materials and arrange them in files.
- Approved project proposal.
- Description of procedures in selection of sample.
- List of tools and techniques used.
- Description of use of tools and techniques.
- Record of media/aids developed e.g. photocopies of flash cards, flip books, charts, posters etc.
- Observations made during the course of project work (data organized in the form of tables are very useful).
- Analysis and conclusions made on the basis of observations.
- You could label the files in an appropriate way so that you can refer to them whenever you need to do so.
- If you feel you need more information about IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT, you can simply contact us. Contact information is given bellow.
What is the process of making IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT?
- Contact the project counsellor and field guide allotted to you by IGNOU.
- Finalize your, project proposal based on one of the themes and submit to study center coordinator after approval by both resource persons.
- Send one copy of the approved project proposal to IGNOU with the signature of the project counsellor (Use format given in Annexure 1).
- Conduct your project work.
- Prepare the project report (2 copies)
- Fill form given in Annexure 3 and submit one copy of the final project report to the coordinator of your study center.
- Send the second copy of final project report to IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi.
- If you feel you need more information about IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT, you can simply contact us. Contact information is given bellow.
What are the Sample Topics for IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT?
We have several sample topics for IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT to make you understand about the theme of Project.
- Emotional Intelligence, Learning Styles And Academic Achievement Of Adolescent Students Of 10th Grade
- Job Satisfaction & Occupational Stress Among Employees
- Effect Of Violent Video Games Among Secondary School Students
- Usage And Impact Of Mobile Phones Upon The Students Of Professional Courses
- To Study The Effect Of Counseling On The Academic Achievement, Need-Achievement And Study Habits Of Underachievers
- Academic Achievement And Personality Characteristics Of Children Of Working And Non Working Mothers
- Occupational Stress Among Male And Female Employees
- An Analytical Study Of The Creative Potential And Personality Structure Of Academically Gifted Students
- Physiological Symptoms, Life Events, And Social Support
- A Study To Analyze Self-Esteem In Children Of Single Parent And That Of Two Parents
- A Study On The Effectiveness Of Relapse Prevention Therapy In Substance Abuser.
- Attitudes And Leadership Qualities Of Delhi University Students
- To Study The Impact Of School Environment And Home Environment On The Academic Achievement Of Scheduled Caste Students
- Effect Of Arithmetical Ability And Study Habit On The Achievement In Mathematics At Secondary School Students
- To Study Of Psycho-Social Problems Of Adolescent Girls Related To Their Family Life, Educational Life And Emotional Behavior
- To Compare The Occupational/Job Stress Level Between Working Women And Working Men In Delhi & National Capital Region
- Learning Styles Of Adolescent Students: A Comparative Study Between Government And Private Schools
- A Study Of Relationship Among Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence And Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students
- Relevance Of Personality Of Students In Their Adjustments To School Life
- A Study On The Influence Of Examination Anxiety On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
- To Study The Organizational Role Stress, Ego Strength And The Level Of Burnout Among The Secondary School Teachers
- Different Dimensions Of Girls Empowerment Among Government And Private Higher Secondary School: A Comparative Study
- Examination Stress In Relation To Intelligence, Personality And Achievement Motivation Among High School Children
- Psychological Distress Of Menopausal Married And Unmarried Women In Relation
- Learning Styles Of Adolescent boys and girls of Government And Private Schools in your region
- Relation of School Environment And Home Environment with The Academic Achievement Of Scheduled Caste Students
Where to get IGNOU MSCCFT Synopsis/Project Proposal and Project Report?
This needs to be understood that to make IGNOU MCFTP 2 Project one have to give enough time and resources because IGNOU does not provide you separate class or sessions on how to make the IGNOU MCFTP 2 Project. That’s why the process of making IGNOU MCFTP 2 Project become tricky and time consuming.
But now you need not to worry our dedicated team of subject experts help the learners to complete their dissertation. Our team has assisted more than 12000 student to get their degree by completing IGNOU MCFTP 2 Project. We have more than 11 years of experience of helping students and giving solution to their educational needs.
To get more information about IGNOU MCFTP 2 PROJECT, you may visit to our websites given below:
Contact No./ Whatsapp: 7503940915, 7042915615,